TOP 9 Instagram Live Disney Pin Sales - April 2019
TOP 9 Instagram Live Disney Pin Sales & Sellers
A List of the TOP 9 Instagram Sellers, or at least some of my favorites,as of April 2019. By all means, there are other great sales out there but these I know for sure will not disappoint. Disney pin LIVE SALE on instagram has taken the pin world by storm. Here is a list in no particular order except for #1. Please follow and support all of our friends!!! and Have fun.

9. Beckys Disney[Instagram: @beckysdisney]
When: Random Instagram Auctions
Specialty: WDI, DEC, DLR and other pins
BeckysDisney is the place to go if you don't have time to log into live sales. She posts auction style pins that go for affordable prices. @beckysdisney made the list even though she doesn't do her own live sales because she is a repeat special guest on @pinsbreaktheinternet LIVE SHOWS!!! I am a little biased :)

8. FryGuy [Instagram: @fryguydj]
When: Sunday and Monday
Specialty: A bit of everything
FryGuy is one of the original disney instagram live sellers. He shows the pins you want. Very kind and entertaining man to watch. Don't miss out on the fun.

7. HpyWolf [Instagram: @hpywolf]
When: Random Saturdays
Specialty: High End, Grails, $20+
HpyWolf best known for his eBay presence recently started doing instagram Disney Live Sales. Special guests include @thepins_theycallme and other WDW friends. These sales are where you go to find the impossible at great prices. All eyes are watching this new instagram live seller. Bring on the Disney pin grails Mr Holy Grail.

6. Kawaii Wildflower [Instagram: @kawaiiwildflower]
When: Totally Random
Specialty: Kawaii (Cute), Japan & Hong Kong Pins, Kawaii Disney giveaways
KawaiiWildflower loves everything Kawaii. Her instagram feed is beautiful and online collects the cutest pins. Jen frequently visits Japan and brings back her Kawaii finds. Watch for her Instagram Live Sales and don't forget to tune in.

5. Big Fat Lanyards [Instagram: @bigfatlanyards]
When: Random Saturday Night or Holidays
Specialty: Marathon shows (4+ hours), Super Entertaining, Rated PG-13, Tons of great pins
BigFatLanyards should charge admission to their BigFatLive sales. They are super entertaining, crazy funny, and totally awesome. Don't get me wrong, they aren't just entertaining but have pins to back up all of the fun. Amy and friends have a love for Harry Potter and sometimes have potter pins for sale. A+++ Disney Pin Live Sale. (one of my favorites)

4. Young Queen Disney Pins [Instagram: @youngqueendisneypins]
When: Wednesday Nights
Specialty: High End, Exciting Giveaways, The Original Mini Pin Board, Grails!!
YoungQueen has been trading and selling Disney pins for approx 22 years. Her and her daughter throw one of weeks best shows. Kam is entertaining and this show will not disappoint.

3. MarcMouse with @dolphinkali [Instagram: @marcmouse]
When: Friday Nights
Specialty: $5 boards, The Original Sneaky, Diamond Paintings, and so many games
MarcMouse helped start the instagram craz. She is known for her affordable prices, fund games and kind spirit. She participates in selling in person at NFFC (Disneyana) and D23 Expo. Mar-C can be found at the picnic tables on most Sundays trading and having a blast with @dolphinkali. Must see show.

2. Alice's House of Treasures [Instagram: @aliceshouseoftreasures]
When: Thursday Nights (Shared with @pinsbreaktheinternet)
Specialty: A little bit of everything, Alice's tea time (game), fair priced, and wide variety
Sheree at Alice's House of Treasures shares Thursday Night's with me @pinsbreaktheinternet. She has been a pin trader for many years and has vast collection of Disney pins. Sheree is not only a seller, she can be found at most events and releases trading for her collections (dumbo, princesses, and more)

1. Pins Break the Internet with MircleLov3 [Instagram: @pinsbreaktheinternet]
When: Thursday Nights (Shared with @aliceshouseoftreasures)
Specialty: A little bit of everything, great disney japan giveaways, fast-paced, and more fun
I had to make myself #1. LOL! Don't forget to follow @miraclelov3, my sidekick, my partner in crime.